
Character Insight: Francesca Murrin

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-The door to the Chamber of OCs opens and a short red-head in Minnie Mouse ears leads a small wiry mouse girl in trousers, suspenders and a newsboy hat to the comfortable chair-

Wingsy: All right, Franny. It's been a while since you've been in anything, but I think it's high time we reintroduce you to the world.

Franny: -raises an eyebrow- Where is this place? Wot ya mean reinterduce me?

Wingsy: I mean, I haven't written you in anything for a long time, so I want my friends out there to know a bit more about you. ^^

Franny: I 'ave work ter do, though. Can't it wait? Th' Professah wants me to be doin' some spyin', 'e does.

Wingsy: The Professor can wait his turn. For now, I want you to answer all the questions as best you can, kay? -leaves-

1: What's your OCs favorite color?

Franny: -looks around for whoever is asking, but finds no one- Er, well me favorite colour is yellow. -her ears lower a bit- An' don't yew go tellin' no one about that! I got meself a reputation to uphold!

2: Where does your OC work? 

Franny: Before th' Professah found me, I was earnin' me keep as a factory worker wiv the other orphans in London. 'E says 'e took a shine to me right away an' took me under 'is wing since I was a scrapper like 'e was when I was 'is age. Now I'm in charge of th' other brats in 'is employ an' we at as 'is eyes an' ears on th' city streets.

(Franny and the other children are basically Ratigan's version of the Baker Street Irregulars)  

3: What's your OCs favorite food? 

Franny: Missus Sarah makes us some luvly apple pies when we come roud ta pay a visit. -smiles dreamily- She makes th' best pies in London, she does!

4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? 

Franny: I don't rightly know wot th' 'ell plastic is, but I likes me some paper so's I can write me errands down.

5: How old is your OC? 

Franny: I ain't 'ad a birthday in God knows 'ow long, but according to th' Professah I'm nine.

6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers? 

Franny: I don't rightly trust magics, sah. It ain't natural. So, no I don't.

7: Is your OC in a relationship? 

Franny: Oi, I'm a kid. I ain't old enough fer tha' sorta nonsense. An' 'sides, I don't care fer any of the idjits I work wiv. I'm a 'ead more clever than all o' 'em.

(When Franny gets older and more mature, she develops a crush on Olivia Flaversham)      

8: What are some of your OCs strengths? 

Franny: I knows th' streets an' tunnels o' jolly ol' London bettah than anyone I knows. I'm also right quick an' dead good at escapin' since I'm so small. Most of th' bobbies don't bother themselves wiv me or the blokes.

9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? 

Franny: -shrugs, snatches a pastry from the plate of them in front of her- None tha' I can think of other than bein' young an' stupid sometimes. An' I gets angry real easy.  

10: What is your OCs favorite outfit? 

Franny: I likes me trousers an' me 'at. Though Missus Sarah an' Missus Kit keep tryin' ta get me in a dress. -makes a face- I 'ate those damn things. It don't feel right to 'have a breeze round yore privates.

11: What is your OCs spirit animal? 

Franny: Er, wot?

12: Is your OC sexually active? 

Franny: I don' think th' Professah is gonna like you talkin' like that to a kid, mate.

13: What is your OCs earliest memory? 

Franny: Gettin' me hat from me da.

14: Does your OC have a cell phone? 

Franny: Wot the 'ell is a cell phone?

15: What makes your OC angry? 

Franny: I don' like bein' pushed round an' treated like I'm stupid jus' cause I'm a kid. I also don't like Mista Nosy Bigsnout.

(This is her personal nickname for Basil of Baker Street. She is not fond of him at all.)

16: When is your OCs favorite time of year? 

Franny: I likes the spring. Things are growin' an' the orchards are ripe for the pickin'

17: How long can your OC hold their breath? 

Franny: I ain't goin' near no water.

18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear? 

Franny: Oi, I ain't tellin' yew about my bloomers! Who does that! 

19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? 

Franny: I likes plaid I guess. I 'as some Scot in me.

20: What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? 

Franny: I don't know wot pizza is, but it sounds good.

21: Who is your OCs best friend? 

Franny: I'd 'ave ta say Fidget, even though 'e's an idjit.

22: Has your OC ever killed someone? 

Franny: No.

23: Whats your OCs biggest secret? 

Franny: Tha's none a ya business!

24: What does your OC smell like? 

Franny: Well I sure don't smell like no girly roses!

25: What time of year does your OC prefer? 

Franny: Oi, I said spring. You deaf as well as stupid?

26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk)

Franny: I's a mouse, so animal.

27: What languages does your OC speak? 

Franny: I'm tryin' ta learn fancy-speak like th' Professah, but I ain't too good at it. 'E says I 'as a "poor 'ead for study."

28: Does your OC like anime? 

Franny: ......wot.

29: Can your OC swim? 

Franny: I ain't goin' near no water.

(She's terrified of water)

30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there? 

Franny: >.> -refuses to answer-

31: Does your OC believe in fairies?

Franny: Sure. I saw one once, near King's Cross. I tried to catch it, but it got away.

32: Did your OC go to college? 

Franny: I'm a kid.

33: Are your OCs parents dead? 

Franny: -ears lower-' I don' miss 'em at all. -sniffles and wipes her eyes-

34: Is your OC religious?

Franny: Pfft, no.

35: How flexible is your OC?

Franny: -shrugs, takes a cookie to make herself feel better-

36: What turns your OC on? 

Franny: Eh? Wot you mean? I ain't a lightbulb.

37: What was your OCs first word? 

Franny: -shrugs-

38: Does your OC have any pets? 

Franny: A mouse don't 'ave no pets.

39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy? 

Franny: Anyone 'oo th' Professah sees as a threat.

40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done? 

Franny: I once robbed a lady all by me lonesome. Turns out this lady was the Princess of all Mousedom.

41: What is your OCs motto about life? 

Franny: The world is big, but little people turn it around.

42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea? 

Franny: Coffee, I guess. Tea is too fancy.

43: Who is your OCs biggest hero? 

Franny: -small smile- Professah Ratigan saved me life, 'e did. I owe 'im a great deal.

44: What color eyes does your OC have? 

Franny: Brown

45: Does your OC like reading?

Franny: I ain't got a good 'ead for it, but Missus Sarah said she'll 'elp.

46: Is your OC loyal? 

Franny: To th' right mouse, yeah.

47: Does your OC tolerate violence? 

Franny: I does wot I 'as to do to survive.

48: What social class is your OC from? 

Franny: I'm from the gutter.

49: What country was your OC born in? 

Franny: England

50: Does your OC cry easily? 

Franny: Tears are fer wimps. I 'ate cryin'

51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music? 

Franny: I likes the songs I 'ear down at th' docks. An Miss Kitty sings some nice ones too.

52: How does your OC feel about insects? 

Franny: I don't mind 'em. I likes crickets.

53: What is your OCs sexual orientation? 

Franny: Wot's that?

54: Does your OC smoke? 

Franny: I want to, but Professah Ratigan said no. 'E said somefin about bad 'abits startin' early.

55: What gender is your OC? 

Franny: I'm a girl.

56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear? 

Franny: I wear mostly boy's clothes since I 'ate dresses an' fancy ribbons an' th' like.

57: Would you call your OC adventurous? 

Franny: Sure.

58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted? 

Franny: Er, I dunno wot you mean.

59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? 

Franny: Probably me 'at. It's awful big an' it don't fit right.

60: Does your OC enjoy nature? 

Franny: Sometimes. You don't see a lot of it in th' city.

Wingsy: And we're done! Thanks for wanting to learn more about wee Franny! She'll be making more appearances soon!
I did a bio on wee Franny way back in the day when I was just getting started on making characters for GMD. She was something of an Artful Dodger/Gaveroche character that worked for Ratigan and really respected him. She was the leader of a group of children that were the kids of the thugs in Ratigan's emply and she generally led them on all sorts of misadventures. Now, she's more of a Ratigan version of a Baker Street Irregular. Ratigan employs newsboys and orphans to be his eyes and ears around the city. He also uses them to run errands for them and often repays them with either money or a warm place to stay the night.

Anywho, you guys should be seeing more of little Francesca and her crew soon. They will make an appearance in the Sterling Scandal if I can ever manage to update it. Enjoy!  
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RomanceFreak's avatar
"What turns your OC on?" "Eh? Wot you mean? I ain't a lightbulb."  :rofl: :rofl: That got me laughing hard! 

Oh my gosh, can I keep her!? She's so adorable!! *contemplates sneaking her away under my big coat* :shifty: :D ;)